How to thank guests for their support and ensure that you do everything in your power to make sure they have a fabulous time.


Stefania Sainato

Your wedding is about you and your fiancé getting married and sharing your love and commitment with those around you. However, I personally feel that my guests’ enjoyment is paramount to that experience. That’s why it’s important to me to thank them for their support and ensure that I do everything in my power to make sure they have a fabulous time. With that in mind, here are the most common gripes I’ve heard throughout the years (and how to pre-empt them).

1. An inconvenient date.

Think it over before asking guests to forfeit spending Christmas or the Super Bowl with their loved ones to celebrate with you. Hosting during a holiday may disrupt traditions they’d prefer not to miss, and in the case of a sporting event, you may find that guests are MIA because they’re sneaking off to catch the score or watch it on a nearby TV.

How to deal: If you’re considering wedding at a potentially sticky time of year, check in with your closest loved ones to see if they already have set plans or would be open to attending. Some events may be easier to pull off than others (e.g. I’m getting married on Labor Day). In some cases, like Halloween, there is no other option if you’re planning on throwing a full-out themed bash, so just shrug off the complainers! Also guests may be more inclined to consider attending if they knew about the date for months in advance, so the sooner you send out that save-the-date, the better. It’s also a good idea to check your local events calendar to ensure your big day doesn’t compete with a parade or other large-scale community event.


Useful links:
Wedding Music Italy
Wedding Bands Italy